"Effects of Ankle Taping on Postural Stability" by Jessica Brown, Andrea Foley et al.

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Mark Romanick


Ankle Injuries -- therapy; Postural Balance; Posture


Ankle taping is a common practice used to support the ankle joint after injury when engaging in activities. Balance is a crucial component of athletic performance that relies on input from the vestibular, somatosensory, and visual systems. Proprioception plays a role in the somatosensory portion of balance and postural control. Ankle taping, which is used to improve performance, may alter a person's proprioception, balance, and postural control.

The purpose of this study is to determine if ankle taping has an effect on postural control in an individual free of chronic or acute ankle dysfunction. Thirty-two subjects were tested on a balance assessment device in two different tests; the step quick-tum and the single leg stance. These tests were completed with the ankle taped and also without any tape, with the untaped ankle acting as a control. This study showed a significant increase in postural sway with ankle taping during unilateral stance with eyes closed.

This study did reveal that there is less postural sway without ankle tape; however, further research is warranted to determine the full negative effects of ankle taping on postural sway with eyes closed. Based on the results, the physical therapist can address the potential for decreased postural control while using ankle taping following an ankle sprain or instability problem.
