"Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): A Case Report" by Kylie J. Palmiscno

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Cindy Flom-Meland


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo -- therapy; Case Reports


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common vestibular disorder. Of the vestibular disorders diagnosed in the general population, BPPV accounts for one third and may be successfully diagnosed and treated by a physical therapist in as little as one visit.

METHODS/CASE DESCRIPTION: This is a single case report of a 36-year-old female who was 5 months pregnant and diagnosed by her physician with vertigo. She was referred to physical therapy for further evaluation and treatment.

FINDINGS/INTERVENTION: With use of the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver the patient's diagnosis was confirmed and specified to be BPPV of the right posterior canal. She then underwent two rounds of treatrnent utilizing the Epley maneuver.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE/OUTCOMES: It was noted that the nystagmus that was present on the first round of Epley maneuver was absent on the second round. The patient reported significant decrease in symptoms post treatments. She was instructed on a home exercise program of Brant-Daroff exercises for future episodes.

DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: This case report describes proper diagnosis and treatment of BPPV by a physical therapist in just one visit with proper instruction on home exercise program of Brandt-Daroff exercises.
