"Conservative Management of an Adult with Chronic Low Back Pain" by Crystal Braun

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Schawnn Decker


Low Back Pain -- therapy; Low Back Pain -- rehabilitation; Case Reports


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this case study is to describe the conservative management of a male patient with chronic low back pain. This report will provide an insight to the benefits of an individualized treatment program combining therapeutic exercises, the McKenzie Method along with a Lumbar Extension MedX strengthening program.

Case Description: This case study describes the treatment of a 34 year old male computer programmer suffering from low back pain.

Intervention: The patient was treated using directional preference~ segmental stabilization, lumbar extension MedX strengthening, and other physiotherapy exercises. He received treatment twice a week for three weeks and three times the final week of his care, for a total of nine visits. He was given a home exercise program from the first day, which was added to throughout his treatment.

Outcomes: The patient showed improvement in self rated pain scale, amount of time he could sit with no pain, exercise capabilities, lumbar strength, lumbar range of motion and function (Oswestry 1/34). These outcomes proved that treatment for this patient was effective.

Discussion: Some form of low back pain is said to affect 60-80% of people in the US. This case report suggests that a comprehensive physical therapy spinal rehabilitation program significantly improve symptoms and function associated with low back pain.
