"Diet and Exercise-Induced Menstrual Dysfunction in the Female Athlete" by Roberta Welp

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Renee Mabey


Amenorrhea -- complications; Eating Disorders -- complications; Exercise -- physiology; Osteoporosis -- complications


In recent years there has been an overwhelming increase in the number of females participating in athletic activities. As members of the sports medicine team, physical therapists must be able to recognize afflictions unique to the female athlete. A cluster of increasingly common disorders has been titled the "female athlete triad." By definition, it is the inter-relatedness of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. Clinically, it may include other factors such as excessive exercise, various degrees and forms of menstrual dysfunction, and additional issues such as fractures, scoliosis, and general musculoskeletal injury.

The purpose of this study is to provide information to physical therapists and students regardi.ng components of the 'triad', related disorders, secondary pathology, and data concerning evaluation and treatment. By identifying problems early in the course of their progression, physical therapists can facilitate timely and appropriate intervention and prevent or minimize the deleterious effects of the 'triad' and associated disorders.
