"Diagnostic Criteria and Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" by Holly Rogers

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Beverly Johnson


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an entrapment neuropathy involving the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel. CTS is widely recognized as the most common of all nerve entrapment syndromes. CTS develops when irritation causes the tendon sheaths passing through the carpal tunnel to swell, constricting the tunnel and compressing the median nerve. Manifestations of CTS are varied, but usually include pain, numbness and weakness of the hand. Incidence of CTS has risen sharply in the past five years. Prevention of CTS and reduction of it's effects appears to be the best solution for this disorder. Physical therapists are in a key position to provide preventative programs for early, acute cases.

The purpose of this study is to identify those people who are at an increased risk for CTS and provide guidelines for the physical therapist's management of CTS. Due to the increased incidence of this condition and rising health care costs, therapeutic management will be in the best interest of all those involved with carpal tunnel syndrome.
