"An Electromyographic and Video Motion Analysis Study of Elite Sprinter" by Teri Parker

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Thomas Mohr


Biomechanics; Running


Every athlete trains with the hopes of being bigger, stronger or faster than the competitor. Athletes are eager to jump on the "bandwagon" of new training techniques that claim to produce the results the athlete seeks. One such training technique is sprinting on a treadmill at high speeds and inclines. The purpose of this study is to describe muscle activity and joint motion while running on a treadmill at different speeds and inclines.

Six males between the ages of 21 and 27 years of age ran at 20 miles per hour (mph) and 0% grade and at 13 miles per hour on a 30% grade. Surface electrodes and joint markers were used to analyze electromyographic activity of six muscles and calculate joint angles while running. A descriptive analysis was then performed comparing the two trials.

From our results we conclude that the sprinter does adopt different strategies and muscle recruitment patterns to compensate for increases in slope. Examination of range of motion revealed that there was greater overall motion of the hip in the incline trial, motion of the knee was greater during level surface running, while ankle motion remained relatively the same. EMG data showed greater overall activity when sprinting at 13 mph on a 30% incline than when sprinting at 20 mph on a 0% incline.
