Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Renee Mabey


Femur -- surgery; Patella -- surgery; Treatment Outcome


This study was conducted to assist St. Alexius Medical Center's Institute of Sports Medicine in the analysis of physical therapy outcomes for patients who underwent patellofemoral surgical procedures including lateral retinacular release, vastus medialis oblique advancement, and tibial tubercle transfers. A review of data collected by the physical therapists at St. Alexius was performed and statistically analyzed to determine the efficacy of outcomes both clinically and functionally. This outcome analysis will assist current and future practice patterns by providing a basis for clinical effectiveness. The results of this study will be a useful resource for the facility as a guide to ensure quality improvement and as a tool for quantifying treatment to third party payers.

Overall, satisfactory outcomes, as determined by predetermined goals, were obtained by all patients for all areas of rehabilitation. On average, knee range of motion was functional and within protocol goals with no differences noted secondary to surgical procedure or patient's age. Pain was kept to a minimum and was found to have no correlation with the age of the patient or return of strength. Joint effusion was also within the protocol goals and showed no correlation with achieved range of motion. Functional assessment demonstrated satisfactory results, overall, with transfers, ambulation, and activities of daily living.