"Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk Musculature following a Nine Hole " by Katie Glessing

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Peggy Mohr


Gulf; Muscle Fatigue


The purpose of this study is to determine the fatigue component in trunk musculature following a simulated nine hole round of golf through analysis of the trunk muscles during the golf swing.

Our subjects consisted of 4 males ages 22-26. Each subject performed 5 EMG monitored golf swings with a driver prior to and following a simulated 9 hole round of golf. This provided pre-round and post-round data to analyze and determine if significant fatigue occurred in the trunk musculature.

The results showed that a significant shift in median frequency occurred, signifying muscle fatigue, in 2 of the 4 subjects when all muscles were analyzed collectively. When individual muscles were analyzed each muscle experienced a significant shift in median frequency except the left abdominal oblique. The swing times for each subject were also analyzed and compared. The 2 subjects who fatigued demonstrated faster swing times suggesting a possible relationship between speed of the golf swing in increased muscle force output and increased muscle fatigue. These results will attempt to provide information on establishing training and conditioning programs targeting the trunk musculature. These programs can be developed to increase muscle endurance and decrease the likelihood of faulty swing mechanics and injury.
