"A Review of the Utilization of EMG Biofeedback" by Jeanine Lee Forsgren

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Thomas Mohr


Biofeedback, Psychology; Electromyography


Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is gaining popularity as a treatment modality in physical therapy. It is used in the areas of neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation as well as injury prevention and performance improvement. The use of this modality can aid in the rehabilitation process by identifying weak muscles which need to be strengthened. Physical therapy also utilizes EMG biofeedback to identify and change movement patterns which may contribute to injury through the overuse or incorrect use of various muscles. EMG biofeedback is used to assist the patient in learning how to control muscular movement to correct the problems which are identified. Through the use of auditory or visual feedback, EMG biofeedback

provides the patient and the therapist with immediate output on the level of activity in the targeted muscles or movement pattern. This is accomplished through the use of surface or needle electrodes appropriately placed on the desired area. Electrical impulses from the muscle are transmitted to the EMG unit which coverts the electrical signal into the visual or auditory feedback. The patient receives this feedback and is able to correctly learn voluntary control over specific muscles or movement patterns.
