Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Renee Mabey


Muscles -- physiology; Torque


The purpose of this study was to compare maximal quadriceps torque production between morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) hours. Thirty healthy male subjects between the ages of 21 and 43 were tested during an AM and PM session on the Kin-Com dynamometer. Six concentric isokinetic contractions of the right quadriceps were tested at a speed of 60° Is. The maximal peak torque measurements were compared between the AM and PM sessions to establish the validity of results taken at differing times of day. No significant difference in strength assessment due to time of day was found. The data collected in this study suggest clinical assessments of maximal peak torque production are not biased by time of day.
