Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Peggy Mohr


Joint Instability; Knee Injuries


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of generalized joint hypermobility and knee mobility with knee injury prevalence among female high school basketball players. The role of lower extremity dominance with knee injury prevalence was also examined.

Sixty female subjects evaluated for generalized joint hypermobility and knee mobility using the Beighton hypermobility criteria and KT-1000 knee ligament arthrometer, respectively, were followed-up for this study. Subjects were previously evaluated as sophomore high school basketball players. Fifty eight of the sixty eligible subjects participated in this study as high school juniors by: 1) completing a survey indicating their level of participation in basketball and any occurrence of injury since the previous measures were taken and 2) performing tests and answering questions to determine lower extremity dominance.

No significant relationship (p > .05) was found when correlating the Beighton hypermobility scores and KT-1000 values with the number of knee injuries reported. None of the tests selected to assess lower extremity dominance proved to be significant predictors of knee injury. Data analysis for this study was limited due to the small sample size and a low number of reported knee injuries.
