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According to the American College of Cardiology (ACA 2019), approximately every 40 seconds an individual has a myocardial infarction (MI).

▪ While the ACA reports a decrease in death rate from cardiovascular disease by 18.6% (2006-2016) and a decrease in death rate from coronary artery disease by 31.8% (2006 – 2016); Heart disease remains the leading cause of death, affecting approximately 5.7 million American adults.

▪ A literature review was conducted through systematic reviews, metaanalyses, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and peer-reviewed medical journals, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (ACC), to evaluate the effects of variation in resting heart rate and its effect on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

▪ Literature shows a reduction in resting heart rate to 80 beats per minute or lower has a significant reduction in deposition of plaque within the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of complications such as coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. Additionally, no benefit is found in reduction of resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute, through any method or than natural occurrence


Physician Assistant Studies

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Resting heart rate, resting tachycardia, resting bradycardia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, morbidity, and mortality


Medicine and Health Sciences

Resting Heart Rate and its Effect on All-Cause Morbidity and Mortality
