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• Evidence shows that bacterial vaginosis (BV) can lead to poor perinatal outcomes.

• The goal of this project is to answer the question of which pregnant patients should be screened for BV and does identification and treatment of BV during pregnancy improve perinatal outcomes.

• Due to variability in a multitude of factors, a generalized recommendation is difficult to make. Lack of recommendations are largely due to harm of treatment in those who were misdiagnosed.

• The development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has the capability to reduce misdiagnosis.

• Newer studies have shown benefit of early screening and treatment and the use of clindamycin over the traditional treatment of metronidazole.

• An online search of PubMed, CINHAL, and Cochrane databases in the past 10 years yielded meta-analyses, systematic reviews, random control trials, and cohort studies. Additional sources found using reference lists. Search terms utilized included; bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, pregnancy, pregnant, miscarriage, screening, pre-term, and asymptomatic.


Physician Assistant Studies

Degree Name

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

Publication Date



bacterial vaginosis; vaginitis; pregnancy; pregnant; miscarriage; screening; pre-term; asymptomatic


Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications

Comparing Screening and Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy Outcomes
