Nathina Crabtree, Sara Gregoire
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The purpose of the study is to provide current and future generations of occupational therapists a view of the history and how occupational therapy practice has evolved from its inception to current practice through the life history stories of occupational therapists who have held leadership roles at the national level and beyond. It is anticipated that the life history process will be a powerful way to gather this information. The life history is part of a larger study consisting of 30 occupational therapists. The larger study is Histories of Individuals Who Have Been Influential in Developing Occupational Therapy (OT) at the National Level and Beyond. Purposive sampling was utilized to select the participant from the list by project directors. The methodology included a semi-structured interview that guided an interview schedule prepared by the project directors. The authors created a final assertion summarizing the findings: Dr. Crepeau made significant contributions to the field of occupational therapy through her involvement in the state and national levels and her unique ways of teaching. Dr. Crepeau emphasized the importance of finding occupations that advocate and provide an opportunity for individuals to increase meaningful engagement in occupations that lead to the desired quality of life.
Recommended Citation
Elizabeth Crepeau. "Interview with Elizabeth Crepeau" (2019). Oral History Interviews. 63.
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