Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Sarah Nielsen


People transitioning from homelessness experience trauma at three times the risk than the general population (McCurry, 2021). Occupational therapy can provide trauma-informed services that helps people that have experienced homelessness transition to supported housing by addressing occupational competence and identity formation through meaningful activity (McCurry, 2021). Occupational therapy can address this area by educating staff and students that work with this population to be more trauma- informed. It is important to utilize a trauma-informed approach to avoid retraumatization to people that have experienced homelessness (AOTA, 2021). There were two purposes of this project: a) develop advanced knowledge in trauma-informed care, and b) develop a product to assist in providing trauma-informed care practices. The desired result from an increased awareness of trauma-informed care within staff and students at the agency is that it will positively impact people who have experienced homelessness and therefore, improve their quality of life.
