Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Breann Lamborn


Problem Statement: Children and adolescents are experiencing difficulty managing the technology in their lives as evidenced by excessive technology use leading to negative effects on their occupational performance. The overuse of technology is associated with a variety of problems, especially for growing children and adolescents, including shorter sleep duration, reduced scholastic achievement, musculoskeletal concerns, obesity, and exacerbated symptoms of depression and anxiety (Gerwin, 2017; Glover, 2021; Gwynette, 2017).

Description of Product: To address these issues, a group treatment program was developed for outpatient pediatric clinics focused on helping children and their families benefit from the use of technology without experiencing the negative effects of technology overuse.

Methodology: A comprehensive literature review was completed regarding pediatric group programming, program development, technology use behaviors, impacts of technology use, and technology management.

Description of Results: The intended result of this program is to make positive changes to how children and their families engage with technology to support improved occupational performance. With the ubiquity of advanced technology, it is crucial for occupational therapists to address the impact of technology on developing youth and their families.
