Event Title
Religious Influences in Labeling and Recovering From Rape
Memorial Union Ballroom 214C
Start Date
16-10-2021 9:35 AM
End Date
16-10-2021 9:45 AM
Trauma, specifically interpersonal trauma like rape, has been shown to have a dramatic influence on religiosity. This study sought to understand the impact of rape on religious beliefs and behaviors as well as the influence of religiosity on rape acknowledgement. A sample of 310 college-aged women completed an online survey with questionnaires about their religiosity and sexual history. Results indicated those who experienced rape experienced significantly greater change in their religious beliefs compared to those who had not been raped and those who experienced other trauma. The relationship between rape acknowledgement and religiosity was significantly mediated by ambivalent sexism and endorsement of rape myths about women lying about rape. In all, rape has the potential to significantly alter one’s religious beliefs, and religiosity has a unique influence on how one understands and labels a personal experience of rape.
Religious Influences in Labeling and Recovering From Rape
Memorial Union Ballroom 214C
Trauma, specifically interpersonal trauma like rape, has been shown to have a dramatic influence on religiosity. This study sought to understand the impact of rape on religious beliefs and behaviors as well as the influence of religiosity on rape acknowledgement. A sample of 310 college-aged women completed an online survey with questionnaires about their religiosity and sexual history. Results indicated those who experienced rape experienced significantly greater change in their religious beliefs compared to those who had not been raped and those who experienced other trauma. The relationship between rape acknowledgement and religiosity was significantly mediated by ambivalent sexism and endorsement of rape myths about women lying about rape. In all, rape has the potential to significantly alter one’s religious beliefs, and religiosity has a unique influence on how one understands and labels a personal experience of rape.