North Dakota Law Review
Volume 73, Number 4 (1997)
The Supreme Court's Assisted Suicide Opinions in International Perspective: Avoiding a Bureaucracy of Death
James L. Underwood
Quill Has Been Plucked - MTC States Are Slowly Eroding the Substantial Nexus Standard
John C. Blase and John W. Westmoreland
Indian Land-Use Zoning Jurisdiction: An Argument in Favor of Tribal Jurisdiction over Non-Member Fee Lands within Reservation Boundaries
Carl G. Hakansson
Case Comments
Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act - Civil RICO: Stating a Claim in North Dakota
Alana DeKrey
Former Jeopardy - Multiple Punishments - Prohibition of Muliple Proceedings or Punishments: A Drunk Driver's Trivial Constitutional Defense
Kari C. Stonelake Hopkins
Divorce - Parent and Child: Imputing Income to an Obligor Based on Earning Capacity - The Recent Guideline Approach
Gretchen Dee Thilmony