North Dakota Law Review
Volume 43, Number 3 (1966)
Through the Looking Glass or How to Be a Judge in Ten Easy Lessons
William S. Murray
The Wandering Missouri River: A Study in Accretion Law
Robert E. Beck
Title Evidencing in North Dakota
Henry G. Ruemmele
Civil Code: Notes for an Uncelebrated Centennial
William B. Fisch
Case Comments
Criminal Law - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Imprisonment of Chronic Alcoholic
Richard Glenn Peterson
Negligence - Evidence - Rebuttal of Res Ipsa Loquitur
Ronald D. Markovits
Products Liability - Breach of Implied Warranty - Manufacturers' Liability to Ultimate Consumers
Ronald K. Carpenter
Torts - Negligence - Liability to Trespassing Children
Patrick W. Fisher
Federal Preemption and State Jurisdiction over Labor-Management Relations Problems under Section 14(c) of the LMRA
John A. Graham
Echoes of Antiquity the Doctrine of Champerty and Maintenance and the Rule of Canon 42
Donald H. Leonard
Effect of Death on the Statute of Limitations: Statutes Dealing with Death of a Person Liable to an Action
Garylle B. Stewart
Book Reviews
V. Bruce Rigdon and Patrick W. Fisher