North Dakota Law Review
Volume 40, Number 1 (1964)
A Survey of Criminal Procedure in Spain and Some Comparisons with Criminal Procedure in the United States
Daniel E. Murray
Damages for Dry Hole Trespass
Herbert Qualls Jr.
Case Comments
Statutes - Presumptions as to Enactment - Entrinsic Evidence Admitted to Defeat an Enrolled Bill
Richard Boardman
Eminent Domain - Regulations Relating to Highways and Streets - Compensation for Loss of Access
Duane Breitling
Torts - Parental Immunity - Abolished with Exceptions
Richard H. Elwood
Mortgages - Lien Priority - Real Estate Taxes Paid by Mortgagee Preferred over a Federal Tax Lien
Mitchell L. Olson
Unfair Competition - Trade Mark Infringement - Judicial Treatment of the Confusion Test
Donald Holloway
Insurance - Liability of an Insurer in Excess of the Policy Limits for Bad Faith or Negligent Settlements
Duane Breitling
Artificial Insemination - Problem Child of the Law
David T. Demars
Digest of Attorney General Opinions
North Dakota Law Review
Book Reviews
Orville C. Walker and William A. Kelly