
William Langer


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This letter, dated July 31, 1946, from United States (US) William Langer to Fort Berhold Agency Superintended C. H. Beitzel makes reference to a letter Langer received earlier the same day, in which Mary Goodreau of Elbowoods, North Dakota asks Langer for assistance in sending her daughter to the Flandreau Indian School in South Dakota. Langer quotes extensively from her letter, in which Goodreau describes her living conditions as very poor, with an old house that is "not fit to live in," with rotten logs and a sod roof that threatens to "come in at any time" and is concerned about the health effects of breathing the dust from the sod roof and "getting wet when it rains."

Goodreau writes of seeking help from Superintendent Beitzel and being told that her daughter will have to attend school on the reservation as a day pupil, adding that Beitzel "never listened to me at all."

Langer writes that he is forwarding this to Beitzel for his "attention and consideration," and asks for Beitzel's advice on the matter.

Date of Work



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, assistance, school, Flandreau Indian School

Organizations Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Flandreau Indian School, Fort Berthold Agency

People Referenced

William Langer, C. H. Beitzel, Mary Goodreau

Letter from Senator Langer to C. H. Beitzel Regarding Request for Assistance from Mary Goodreau, July 31, 1946
