"Letter from Irene Martin for Langer to H. E. Gierke Regarding Situatio" by Irene Martin


Irene Martin



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This letter, dated June 27, 1950, from Irene Martin, secretary for United States (US) Senator William Langer, to H. E. Gierke of Watford City, North Dakota, is a reply to Gierke's letter of June 18 regarding a number of matters he feels are unsatisfactory, including the lack of information provided to members of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation so that they can make decisions about how to proceed in vacating their lands to be inundated by the Garrison Dam project, the lack of roads needed for tribal members to log the forested areas of the reservation to be inundated, and the making of Farmer's Home Administration loans to tribal members who, he says, have not had the necessary instruction in maintenance of farm equipment.

Martin assures Gierke that his concerns will be relayed to Langer.

See also:

Letter from H. F. Gierke, Jr. Regarding Lack of Progress in Moving and Logging in Area to be Inundated by Garrison Dam, June 18, 1950

Date of Work



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, Farmer's Home Administration, FmHA, farming loans

Organizations Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, Farmer's Home Administration

People Referenced

H. F. Gierke, William Langer, Irene Martin

Letter from Irene Martin for Langer to H. E. Gierke Regarding Situation at Forth Berthold, June 27, 1950
