"Speech Delivered by Attorney General Langer: The Record of The First S" by William Langer



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In this speech given at an unknown date between 1917 and 1920, North Dakota Attorney General speaks about the formation and accomplishments of the Nonpartisan League in the state. The Nonpartisan League joined forces with the Equity, the Grange, and Farmers Union to regulate and audit taxes in North Dakota. Under Langer and the Nonpartisan League, state administrative forces, such as the State Board of Equalization, also united to reform laws governing corporations, such as the Northern Pacific Railway Company. All of Langer's efforts were meant to ease and balance the burden of taxes on North Dakotans.

Date of Work



Agriculture College, Big Business, Bismarck Tribune, Devils Lake Journal, Equity Cooperation Exchange, Equity Cooperative Packing Company, Farmers Union, the Grange, Grand Forks Herald, International Harvester Company, Nonpartisan League, North Dakota Board of Regents, North Dakota House Bill 928, North Dakota State Board of Equalization, Northern Pacific Railway Company, Railroad Commission

Organizations Referenced

Agriculture College, Bismarck Tribune, Devils Lake Journal, Equity Cooperation Exchange, Equity Cooperative Packing Company, Farmers Union, the Grange, Grand Forks Herald, International Harvester Company, Nonpartisan League, North Dakota Board of Regents, North Dakota State Board of Equalization, Northern Pacific Railway Company, Railroad Commission

People Referenced

Fred G. Aandahl, John Bloom, Assistant Attorney General Brennan, H. A. Bronson, Ellingson, Judge Evan B. Goss, Jim Hill, Mr. Hoopman, E. F. Ladd, Mr. Linde, Mr. Little, George S. Loftus, J. A. McGovern, Alex McKenzie, Olsness, F. E. Packard, Professor Randlett, Clifford Thorne, Townley

Speech Delivered by Attorney General Langer: The Record of The First State Nonpartisan Administration In The World
