"Letter from Senator Langer to Dillon S. Myer Regarding Fred Burr's Req" by William Langer


William Langer



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This letter, dated July 2, 1952, from United States (US) Senator William Langer to US Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner Dillon S. Myer, refers to Fred Burr, who is from the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota but now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. Burr was forced to sell 400 acres of land on the reservation due to the construction of the Garrison Dam, and would now like to receive his full share of tribal funds in connection with this sale and then "sever relations."

Langer asks Myer to advise him in this matter at his earliest convenience.

Date of Work



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion

Organizations Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish

People Referenced

Fred Burr, William Langer, Dillon S. Myer

Letter from Senator Langer to Dillon S. Myer Regarding Fred Burr's Request for Full Payment of His Tribal Funds, July 2, 1952
