"Letter from Governor Langer to Walter C. King Regarding International " by William Langer



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In this letter, dated September 27, 1938, from North Dakota (ND) Governor William Langer replies to Sargent County State's Attorney Walter C. King's letter of September 21, 1938 regarding the foreclosure case International Harvester Co. vs. Edna Rehak. Langer writes that he is writing the Rehaks them to let King know whether they intend to discontinue farming and whether they are willing to deliver the farm machinery involved in the foreclosure case to the International Harvester Company.

See also:

Letter from Walter C. King to Governor Langer Regarding International Harvester Co. vs. Edna Rehak, September 21, 1938

Date of Work



Foreclosure, moratorium, repossession

Organizations Referenced

International Harvester Company, Sargent County

People Referenced

Walter C. King, William Langer, Frank Rehak, Edna Rehak

Letter from Governor Langer to Walter C. King Regarding International Harvester Co. vs. Edna Rehak, September 27, 1938
