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In this letter, dated September 21, 1938, from Sargent County, North Dakota (ND) State's Attorney Walter C. King to ND Governor William Langer, King makes reference to the foreclosure case International Harvester Company vs. Edna Rehak, writing that the law firm representing International Harvester has written to him claiming that they have been advised that the moratorium on foreclosure in the case is about to be lifted.
King suggests that Langer contact the Rehaks and find out whether they plan to continue farming. If so, King recommends that the moratorium not be lifted.
See also:
Letter from Governor Langer to Walter C. King Regarding International Harvester Co. vs. Edna Rehak, September 27, 1938
Date of Work
Foreclosure, moratorium, repossession
Organizations Referenced
International Harvester Company, Sargent County
People Referenced
Walter C. King, William Langer, Edna Rehak, Frank Rehak
Recommended Citation
King, Walter C., "Letter from Walter C. King to Governor Langer Regarding International Harvester Co. vs. Edna Rehak, September 21, 1938" (1938). William Langer Papers. 76.