"Letter from Martin Cross to Senator Langer Regarding Political Support" by Martin Cross


Martin Cross


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This letter dated April 4, 1946 from Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Chairman Martin Cross to United States (US) Senator William Langer discusses a few topics with Langer. Cross informs Langer that Mr. Beauchamp and Mr. Levings (likely referring to Peter Beauchamp and Martin Levings who both served on the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Council) are political opponents of Langer. Cross informs Langer that he took an active part in the non-partisan league convention where he had a resolution concerning the Garrison Dam adopted. Cross requests a photograph and a copy of recent hearings from Langer. Cross informs Langer that he had a conversation with Jim Thornburg. Cross asks Langer to contact D'Arcy McNickle regarding an affidavit concerning the head nurse at the Agency Hospital.

See also:

Letter from Senator Langer to Martin Cross Updating on Various Business, May 22, 1946

Date of Work



Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, non-partisan convention, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, resolution, affidavit, Elbowoods Agency Hospital, nurse

Organizations Referenced

Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Bureau of Indian Affairs, NPL, Non-Partisan League

People Referenced

Martin Cross, William Langer, D'Arcy McNickle, Jim Thornburg, Peter Beauchamp, Martin Levings


Political History | United States History

Letter from Martin Cross to Senator Langer Regarding Political Support and Opponents and Agency Hospital Affidavit, April 4, 1946
