"Grafton City Resolution Sent to Senator Langer Regarding Pool Level, M" by City of Grafton


City of Grafton



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This document, dated March 11, 1955, includes a letter from the City of Grafton, North Dakota, signed by Earl Machart, city auditor, sent to United States (US) Senator Langer and an attached resolution also by the city of Grafton. The letter states that the attached resolution was adopted by Grafton's City Council on March 7, 1955 and that Langer should take particular note of paragraph #11. The resolution concerns the pool level of the Garrison Dam. It states the city's support of the planned 1850 foot operating level due to a variety of factors including power revenues, small irrigation projects, water supply, and the work that already has been sunk into the project. Paragraph #11 concludes the resolution by stating that the city of Grafton requests US Congress to withdraw restrictions on the completion of the Garrison Dam and its planned operating level of 1850 feet.

Date of Work



Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level, Flood Control Act of 1944, James River, Sheyenne River, Souris River, South Dakota, Missouri River, Missouri Basin, City of Grafton, City Council of Grafton, US Corps of Engineers, US Bureau of Reclamation, North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission, Missouri Basin Interagency Committee, City of Williston, Lewis and Clark and Buford-Trenton Irrigation project, Federal Power Commission, US Congress

Organizations Referenced

City of Grafton, City Council of Grafton, US Corps of Engineers, US Bureau of Reclamation, North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission, Missouri Basin Interagency Committee, City of Williston, Lewis and Clark and Buford-Trenton Irrigation project, Federal Power Commission, US Congress

People Referenced

Lloyd K Everson, Robert E Dahl, Earl F Machart, CJ Glaspel, HF Hills, Robert Barr, Helmer Field, George Egeland, Carl M Torkelson, Jevon Aasand, John W Gorder


Political History | United States History

Grafton City Resolution Sent to Senator Langer Regarding Pool Level, March 11, 1955
