"Memorial services held in the Senate and House of Representatives of t" by United States Congress



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The text of addresses delivered in the United States Congress following the death of Senator William Langer on November 8, 1959.

Date of Work



United States Congress, Biography, Secondary Source

Organizations Referenced

United States Congress

People Referenced

George Aiken, Alan Bible, Styles Bridge, Norman Brunsdale, Quentin Burdick, Usher Burdick, Frank Carlson, Francis Case, John Sherman Cooper, Carl Curtis, John Davis, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Paul Douglas, Leo Dworschak, Hiram Fong, Albert Gore, Ernest Gruening, Frederick Brown Harris, Lister Hill, Roman Hruska, Herbert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Jacob Javits, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Olin Johnston, Kenneth Keating, Estes Kefauver, Thomas Kuchel, William Langer, Russell Long, Warren Magnuson, Mike Mansfield, John McCormack, Wayne Morse, Karl Mundt, Barratt O’Hara, Winston Prouty, Jennings Randolph, John Rooney, Leverett Saltonstall, Don Short, Paul Strachan, Herman Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, Alexander Wiley, Ralph Yarborough, Milton Young. Steven Young

Memorial services held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, together with remarks presented in eulogy of William Langer, late a Senator from North Dakota, 1960
