"Letter from Attorney General Langer to E. H. Tostevin Requesting Inves" by William Langer


William Langer



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In this letter, dated October 29, 1919, from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to ND State Pool Hall Inspector Earle H. Tostevin Langer requests that Tostevin do everything he possibly can regarding liquor, gambling and cigarette violations in Litchville, North Dakota. Langer includes the text of a letter from Ole J. Belling, Justice of the Peace in Litchville, claiming a current pool hall is in violation of the liquor law along with gambling and the sale of cigarettes. Belling adds that another pool hall is being erected by a gambler and "booze fighter," and the license of this pool hall should be rejected.

Date of Work



Pool Halls, Liquor Law, Alcohol, Prohibition, Cigarettes, Gambling

Organizations Referenced

State Pool Hall Inspector

People Referenced

Ole Belling, Earle H. Tostevin, William Langer


Political History | United States History

Letter from Attorney General Langer to E. H. Tostevin Requesting Investigation of a Liquor Law Violation in Litchville, October 29, 1919.
