"Letter from Attorney General Langer to W. C. Heath Requesting Samples " by William Langer


William Langer



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Letter dated July 19, 1917 from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General Langer to W. C. Heath requesting samples of Malta and similar beverages be purchased with witnesses present and forwarded to [ND State Food Commissioner and ND Agricultural College president] E. F. Ladd for analysis.

Langer references Heath's letter of July 17th, which included among other labels one for the beverage "Malta," which Langer believes is intoxicating. He gives instruction for purchasing samples and forwarding them to Ladd.

Langer also requests that Heath purchase of cider, as he wishes to stop the sale of hard cider in the state. He asks Heath to keep track of all money spent for the various samples and them them in a bill to the county commissioners, who will pay them.

See also:

Letter from Attorney General Langer to W. C. Heath Requesting Samples of W-B Tobacco, July 19, 1917

Date of Work



alcohol, malt, prohibition, alcohol analysis, food commissioner

People Referenced

W. C. Heath, E. F. Ladd, William Langer


Political History | United States History

Letter from Attorney General Langer to W. C. Heath Requesting Samples of Malta, July 19, 1917
