"Letter from Attorney General Langer to Golden Valley County Sheriff S." by William Langer


William Langer



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Letter dated July 5, 1917 from Attorney General William Langer to Golden Valley County Sheriff S. A. Smith, replying to Smith's letter of July 2 requesting that Langer appoint some men to help in enforcing liquor laws in his area. Langer pledges his support, provided Smith "exhausts all means" at his disposal in Beach. Langer suggests that Smith "hire a couple of men and pay them $3.00 per day," saying that he thinks he can arrange it if it will suit Smith. Langer mentions that the state "paid out considerable money prosecuting John Smith and it strikes me that you certainly ought to be willing to appoint a few deputies first."

See also:

Letter from Golden Valley County Sheriff S. A. Smith Regarding Enforcement of Liquor Laws, July 2, 1917

Date of Work



Alcohol, enforcement, liquor laws, prohibition, Montana

Organizations Referenced

Golden Valley County

People Referenced

Wiliam Langer, S. A. Smith


Political History | United States History

Letter from Attorney General Langer to Golden Valley County Sheriff S. A. Smith Regarding Enforcement of Liquor Laws, July 5, 1917
