"Letter from Attorney General Langer to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G." by William Langer


William Langer



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Letter dated December 20, 1919 from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen in response to Plomasen's letter of December 18, 1919 regarding the Ole Skrukrud case. Langer writes that it is his and Assistant Attorney General Edward Cox's understanding that the defendant wants to plead guilty and that Cox will take care of the issue one way or the other immediately.

See also:

Letter from John F. Sullivan to Assistant Attorney General Cox Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, October 18, 1919

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Cox to John F. Sullivan Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, October 22, 1919

Letter from Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen to Attorney General Langer Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 18, 1919

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Cox to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 22, 1919

Date of Work



prohibition, Ole Skrukrud, Beach

People Referenced

William Langer, Thor G. Plomasen, Edward Cox, Ole Skrukrud

Letter from Attorney General Langer to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 20, 1919
