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Letter, dated October 22, 1919 from North Dakota (ND) Assistant Attorney General Cox to Mandan Attorney John F. Sullivan in response to Sullivan's letter of October 18, 1919 regarding the Ole Skrukrud case. Cox writes that he has spoken to State's Attorney Dawson, and the latter is also fine with waiving the preliminary examination and that Sullivan and Cox can go over an outline of the case together in Bismarck in the next week to ten days.
See also:
Letter from John F. Sullivan to Assistant Attorney General Cox Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, October 18, 1919
Letter from Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen to Attorney General Langer Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 18, 1919
Letter from Attorney General Langer to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 20, 1919
Letter from Assistant Attorney General Cox to Beach Police Magistrate Thor G. Plomasen Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, December 22, 1919
Date of Work
prohibition, Ole Skrukrud, Mandan, North Dakota vs. Ole Skrukrud, Bismarck, flying squadron
Organizations Referenced
Sullivan and Sullivan Attorneys
People Referenced
Mr. Cox, John F. Sullivan, Jno. F. Sullivan, Dawson, Ole Skrukrud
Recommended Citation
Cox, Mr., "Letter from Assistant Attorney General Cox to John F. Sullivan Regarding the Ole Skrukrud Case, October 22, 1919" (1919). William Langer Papers. 205.