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In this letter, dated January 25, from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to Salvation Army Ensign Marshall, Langer responds to Marshall's Letter of January 23, 1918, regarding the case of ND state senator Oscar Lindstrom. Langer writes that Lindstrom was in Bismarck a few weeks before and they went over the case thoroughly. Langer writes that Lindstrom has secured a divorce and that Langer is satisfied that Lindstrom's wife was the one at fault.
See also:
File of Correspondence About the Oscar Lindstrom Case from 1916 and 1917
Letter from Salvation Army Ensign Marshall to Attorney General Langer Regarding Oscar Lindstrom's Planned Visit to Bismarck, January 23, 1918
Date of Work
Oscar Lindstrom, Divorce
Organizations Referenced
Salvation Army
People Referenced
William Langer, Oscar Lindstrom, Mrs. Lindstrom, Ensign Marshall
Political History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Langer, William, "Letter from Attorney General Langer to Salvation Army Ensign Marshall Regarding Oscar Lindstrom, January 25, 1918" (1918). William Langer Papers. 189.