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Letter from dated March 20, 1919 from North Dakota Attorney General William Langer to Mercer County State's Attorney John Moses regarding the Carl Maier Case. Langer asks Moses to read an enclosed letter from "the County Attorney." Langer instructs Moses to, "note the story about the nurse."
The letter Langer refers to as enclosed was not found with this letter in Langer's papers.
See also:
Letter from John Moses to Attorney General Langer regarding the Carl Maier Case, March 10, 1919
Letter from Attorney General Langer to Emmet Country, Iowa Attorney F. J. Kennedy Regarding the Death of Carl Maier, January 6, 1919
Letter from Emmet County, Iowa Attorney F. J. Kennedy to Attorney General Langer Regarding the Death of Carl Maier, January 2, 1919
Letter from John Moses to Attorney General Langer Regarding the Carl Maier Case, September 20, 1919
Date of Work
Beulah, Murder, Homicide
Recommended Citation
Langer, William, "Letter from Attorney General Langer to John Moses Regarding the Carl Maier Case, March 20, 1919" (1919). William Langer Papers. 181.