"Letter from Lewis Easton to Attorney General Langer Regarding Tax on M" by Lewis Easton



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In this letter, dated August 22, 1919, from Lewis Easton of Buffalo, North Dakota (ND), to ND Attorney General William Langer, Easton explains that he has contacted Langer's office requesting an application for paying state tax on his theater in Buffalo, but has heard nothing, so he is now contacting Langer personally to attend to the matter.

Easton adds that, as Justice of the Peace, he is often asked about about laws regarding hunting with dogs, and would like Langer to advise him on that as well.

See also:

Letter from Attorney General Langer to Lewis Easton Regarding Tax on Movie Theaters, August 23, 1919

Date of Work



Brotherhood of American Yeomen, taxes, theater, hunting, dogs

Organizations Referenced

Brotherhood of American Yeomen

People Referenced

Lewis Easton, William Langer


Political History | United States History

Letter from Lewis Easton to Attorney General Langer Regarding Tax on Movie Theaters, Laws Pertaining to Hunting with Dogs, August 22, 1919
