"Letter from Attorney General Langer to L. F. Hinegardner Regarding Sta" by William Langer


William Langer



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In this letter, dated July 9, 1919, from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to L. F Hinegardner of Sarles, ND, Langer acknowledges receipt of Hinegardner's letter of July 7 and informs Hinegardner that Judge Nuchols will appear on his behalf in the Supreme Court free of charge, and that Langer is glad that Hinegardner is pleased with the way Nuchols tried the case [in the lower court], and that that trial ended in a conviction.

Note: The July 7, 1919 letter from Hinegardner to Langer that this letter is a reply to was not found anywhere in the Langer Collection.

See also:

Letter from L. F. Hinegardner to Attorney General Langer regarding the Stepp Case, February 24, 1919

Letter from Attorney General Langer to L. F. Hinegardner Regarding State v. Stepp Case, October 2, 1919

Date of Work



North Dakota Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the State of North Dakota, Stepp v. State, rape, statutory rape, appeal

Organizations Referenced

Supreme Court of the State of North Dakota, North Dakota Supreme Court

People Referenced

L. F. Hinegardner, William Langer, Samuel Nuchols, Hiram Stepp


Political History | United States History

Letter from Attorney General Langer to L. F. Hinegardner Regarding State v. Stepp, July 9, 1919
