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This letter, dated November 14, 1948, Peggy Harris of Riverdale, North Dakota (ND) to United States (US) Senator William Langer describes the conditions Harris has been working under during her employment with the Cafeteria Concession at the construction site of the Garrison Dam project. She writes of working long hours with no overtime pay, receiving no additional pay for working the seventh day of the week, and of paychecks being two weeks late, and urges Langer to take prompt action.
See also:
Letter from Senator Langer to Peggy Harris Regarding Working Conditions on the Garrison Dam Project, December 4, 1948
Letter from Senator Langer to Peggy Harris Regarding Working Conditions on the Garrison Dam Project, December 20, 1948
Date of Work
Garrison Dam, Garrison Dam Project, Riverdale, working conditions, cafeteria concession, construction site
Organizations Referenced
Rocket Catering Company, US Army Corps of Engineers
People Referenced
William Langer, Peggy Harris, Beard
Recommended Citation
Harris, Peggy, "Letter from Peggy Harris to Senator Langer Regarding Working Conditions on the Garrison Dam Project, November 14, 1948" (1948). William Langer Papers. 1035.