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This letter, dated July 18, 1956, from United States (US) Senator William Langer to North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission Executive Director John B. Hart, makes reference to an enclosed copy of a letter from Arthur Fleming along with a memorandum from the assistant director of the Office of Defense Mobilization. Langer notes that "he ducks entirely the matter of giving Indians employment," adding: "However, I received a letter from the Manager of the mica plant at Custer, South Dakota. . . [saying] he can employ 100 more Indians if he can get a market from the Government for the mica."
The letter and memorandum Langer mentions enclosing were not found with this letter in Langer's papers.
Date of Work
Indian employment, mica, defense contracting, defense
Organizations Referenced
Office of Defense Mobilization, North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission
People Referenced
William Langer, John B. Hart, Arthur Fleming
Recommended Citation
Langer, William, "Letter from Senator Langer to John B. Hart Regarding Employment of Tribal Members, July 18, 1956" (1956). William Langer Papers. 1026.