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In this letter, dated August 10, 1945, from Helene Ilse Dietz, fiancée of interned German national Richard Auras, to the Chairman of the "Hearing Board," writes in "evidence that [Auras] is not dangerous to the public peace and safety of the United States," asking the Board to reconsider his case. She explains that she plans to marry Auras once he is released, that he was almost ready to take his final exams to become a chiropractor, and that he possesses in every way the qualities of a good citizen, factors, she notes, that were taken into consideration by the previous hearing board, which had recommended his release. This decision, however, had been set aside by order of the United States Attorney General.
Dietz adds that she herself is a loyal United States (US) citizen and the widow of a US WWI veteran.
Auras was arrested on December 8, 1941 by the US government under the Alien Enemy Act of 1798 and interned at Fort Lincoln, south of Bismarck, ND.
See also:
Letter from Helene Ilse Dietz to US Immigration Services Regarding Richard Auras, January 20, 1942
Petition and Affidavit By Curt Benedict for Release of Richard Auras from Internment, August 1946
Letter from Richard Auras to William Langer Regarding Internment Status Decision, January 27, 1946
Date of Work
Internment, Ellis Island, German, Germany, Fort Lincoln, Richard Auras, World War II, WWII
Organizations Referenced
Hearing Board
People Referenced
Richard Auras, Helene Dietz
Recommended Citation
Dietz, Helen, "Letter from Helene Dietz to "Hearing Board" Requesting Reconsideration of the Arrest and Internment of Richard Auras, August 10, 1945" (1945). William Langer Papers. 102.