
Date of Work
Printed Map
23 3/4"
Art & Design Study Collection: James Smith Pierce Collection
Stored: 211A, JSP Box 11
UND Art Collections Repository
Additional Information
The Chicago World’s Fair, also named A Century of Progress International Exposition, was held in Chicago, Illinois from 1933-1934. The World’s Fair was to celebrate the city’s centennial and the progress over the previous century. The Standard Oil Company published a brochure with information pertaining to oil stations in the metropolitan area and their multiple Service Stations. The brochure explains the stockings of each Station equipped to help with any motor needs. Each station was stocked with gasoline, oil, tires, and accessories for the vehicle and was able to give a complete standard service, not limited to cleaning your windshield, windows, and headlights, checking oil, and providing maps when appropriate.
Quote from brochure, "Chicago has invited all the world to come and visit the Century of Progress Exposition and to those who come, Chicago is prepared to extend an enthusiastic welcome. It will be the one great chance you will have to see and appreciate the tremendous advances that science, industry and art have made during the most eventful hundred years in history of the world."
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