"Providing that no further funds shall be appropriated for the further " by US Congress

US Government Documents related to Indigenous Nations


US Congress


US House of Represetatives Committee on Rules


83d Congress, 1st Session



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This resolution, dated April 20, 1953, begins by outlining the complaint that the US Corp of Army Engineers, acting on its own and in violation of several stipulations of the original act authorizing the construction of the Garrison Dam, has decided to increase the water pool area by 6,000,000 acre-feet and the raise the surface height of the pool by twenty feet. This has required the construction of dikes that were not part of the authorized project, and led to the acquisition of more land around the reservoir, which the Corp has been acquiring using tactics that deprive the owners of those lands of their constitutional right to due process.

Given the above complaints, the resolution proposes that all appropriations for further construction of the Garrison Dam be halted until a committee appointed by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives has investigated the complaints mentioned above and presented their report before July 1, 1953.

See also:

Congressional Record Regarding Amendment Proposed by Representative Burdick to Reduce Appropriation to Corps of Army Engineers, May 27, 1953

Drafts of Resolution by Representative Burdick Regarding Pool Level of Garrison Dam Reservoir, Undated

Publication Date



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level, US Army Corps of Engineers

People Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Corps of Army Engineers


Government Printing Office


American Politics | Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law | Indigenous Studies | Law and Politics | Native American Studies | United States History

Providing that no further funds shall be appropriated for the further construction of the Garrison Dam until an investigation be made by a special committe of the House of Representatives



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