US Government Documents related to Indigenous Nations
Toby Morris
Comittee of Conference
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This report, dated October 19 1949, also known as United States (US) House of Representatives Report 1458, was submitted by the Committee of Conference to accompany US House of Representatives Joint Resolution 33, and details the recommendations Committee of Conference members have agreed to make to their respective Houses of the US Congress regarding their disagreeing votes on the US Senate's amendments to Joint Resolution 33.
Publication Date
Aricara, Arikara, Arikaree, Belantse-Etoa, Hidatsa, Hundi, Mandan, Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, MHA Nation, Minnitaree, Nueta, Ree, Sahnish, Sanish, Three Affiliated Tribes, Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold Reservation, Fort Berthold, Garrison Dam Project
Organizations Referenced
Mandan Tribe, Hidatsa Tribe, Arikara Tribe, Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation, MHA Nation, Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold Reservation, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US Congress, Committee of Conference
People Referenced
Toby Morris, John R. Murdock, Wesley A. D'Ewart, William. Lemke, Robert S. Kerr, Ernest W. McFarland, Zales N. Ecton, Arthur V. Watkins
Government Printing Office
American Politics | Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law | Indigenous Studies | Law and Politics | Native American Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
United States, Congress, House. "Compensation to Fort Berthold Indians, North Dakota, for lands taken in connection with the Garrison Dam project. October 19, 1949. -- Ordered to be printed." 81st Congress, 1st Session, H.Rpt. 1458, 1949. Readex: Readex AllSearch. https://infoweb-newsbank-com.ezproxy.library.und.edu/apps/readex/doc?p=ARDX&docref=image/v2%3A0FD2A62D41CEB699%40SERIAL-1221F60810D33870%40-11FA1002752E3648%400.

Included in
American Politics Commons, Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law Commons, Indigenous Studies Commons, Law and Politics Commons, Native American Studies Commons, United States History Commons
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