Geography & Geographic Information Science Faculty Publications | Department of Geography & Geographic Information Science | University of North Dakota


Submissions from 2019


Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herds in North Dakota, Jacqueline C. Amor, Robert Newman, William F. Jensen, Bradley Rundquist, W. David Walter, and Jason R. Boulanger


A comparison of drone imagery and groundbased methods for estimating the extent of habitat destruction by lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) in La Pérouse Bay, Andrew F. Barnas, Brian J. Darby, Gregory S. Vandeberg, Robert F. Rockwell, and Susan N. Ellis-Felege


Detection of Shelterbelt Density Change Using Historic APFO and NAIP Aerial Imagery, Morgen Walter Victor Burke, Bradley Rundquist, and Haochi Zheng


An Examination of Traffic Volume during Snow Events in Northeast Ohio, Daniel Burow and Christopher Atkinson


Use of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Estimate Water Quality, Mbongowo J. Mbuh


An Exploration of Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates in North Dakota, USA, via Structural Equation Modeling, Gary G. Schwartz, Marilyn G. Klug, and Bradley C. Rundquist


Transboundary Environmental Governance across the World’s Largest Border Ed. by Stephen Brooks and Andrea Olive (Review), Paul Todhunter


Late summer glacial meltwater contributions to Bull Lake Creek stream flow and water quality, Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Jeffrey VanLooy and Gregory S. Vandeberg


Reading the Landscape in Antler, North Dakota: Repeat Photography in an Atrophying Northern Plains Town, William A. Wetherholt and Gregory S. Vandeberg


Fertilizer Use in China: The Role of Agricultural Support Policies, Yinhao Wu, Enru Wang, and Changhong Miao


Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data, Qiang Zhou, Jennifer Rover, Jesslyn Brown, Bruce Worstell, Danny Howard, Zhuoting Wu, Alisa L. Gallant, Bradley Rundquist, and Morgen Walter Victor Burke

Submissions from 2018


Habitat Suitability Analysis for Mountain Lions (Puma Concolor) Recolonization/ Reintroduction in Minnesota, Mbongowo J. Mbuh and Neil Vruno


A volumetric water budget of Devils Lake (USA): non-stationary precipitation–runoff relationships in an amplifier terminal lake, Paul E. Todhunter

Submissions from 2016


Mean hydroclimatic and hydrological conditions during two climatic modes in the Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota (USA), Paul E. Todhunter


Natural hydroclimatic forcing of historical lake volume fluctuations at Devils Lake, North Dakota (USA), Paul E. Todhunter and Rhonda Fietzek-DeVries

Submissions from 2014


Lake Flooding and Synoptic Weather-type Frequency At Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA, Between 1965 and 2010, Paul E. Todhunter and Emily A. Knish

Submissions from 2005


Snowpack control over the thermal offset of air and soil temperatures in eastern North Dakota, Andrew Grundstein, Paul E. Todhunter, and Thomas Mote

Submissions from 1996


Environmental indices for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minnesota, USA) urban heat island - 1989, Paul E. Todhunter