Document Type

News Article

Publication Date



Grand Forks Herald


Governors; Elections; Electoral college; Political candidates; Presidential candidates; Political parties; Entomologists; Plants--Study and teaching; New Year; Eclipses; Egyptology; Creameries; Presidents--Election; Presidents--Term of office; Lakes; Droughts; Horses--Feeding and feeds; Summer; Poisonous plants; Poison ivy; Soap; Country clubs; Tobogganing; Traffic accidents; Automobiles; Numerology

Corporate Subjects

Democratic Party (U.S.); Republican Party (N.D.); Populist Party (U.S. : 1892-1908); North Dakota State University. College of Agriculture; United States. Department of Agriculture; United States. Bureau of Animal Industry; American Automobile Association

Personal Subjects

Wilford, Walter, 1868-1952; Burke, Andrew, 1850-1918; Langer, William, 1886-1959; Shortridge, E. C. D.; Harrison, Benjamin, 1883-1901; Cleveland-Stevens, Edward; Munro, J. Alex; Weaver, James Baird, 1833-1912; Lemke, William, 1878-1950; Ensign, Herman Lee; Helgaas, Bernt S.; Couch, James F.; Henry, Thos P.; Walker, Milo

Geographic Subjects

North Dakota--Fargo; North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota--Pembina; North Dakota--Wells County


Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota

Included in

Communication Commons
