Date of Award


Document Type

Critically Appraised Topic

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Anne Haskins

Second Advisor

Breann Lamborn

Third Advisor

Gail Bass/Devon Olson Lambert


Currently, there are interventions available for rest and sleep for the general population. However, those interventions do not usually address the unique needs of the population of veterans who are homeless with mental health disorders. While there is information on the person, environmental, and occupational factors surrounding this topic separately, there is limited literature regarding how to address all of these factors when they transact with each other. The purpose of this critically appraised topic paper is to examine the impacts that being a veteran, having a mental health disorder, and being homeless have on sleep deprivation as well as barriers to resources and occupational therapy interventions to support this population.
