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This letter, dated February 25, 1949, from United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick to Mary Long Chase concerns Mary Many Wounds. The letter thanks Long Chase for her recent letter commenting on a speech Burdick has made. Burdick writes that he is enclosing a file related to Mary Many Wounds, who has recently died. This file is not included with this document. A handwritten note at the top of the document reads "Indians."
Date of Work
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North and South Dakota, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Íŋyaŋ Woslál Háŋ
Organizations Referenced
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North and South Dakota, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Íŋyaŋ Woslál Háŋ
People Referenced
Usher Burdick, Mary Many Wounds, Mary Long Chase
Recommended Citation
Burdick, Usher, "Letter from Representative Burdick to Mary Long Chase Regarding Mary Many Wounds, February 25, 1949" (1949). Usher Burdick Papers. 6.