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This letter, dated August 4, 1952, from United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick to US Bureau of Land Management Director Marion Clausen concerns land patents 1133570 and 1133027. In it, Burdick corrects his previous letter of July 25, which claimed to include a letter from Nelson Mason related to an error in patent descriptions, but did not. This August 4 letter corrects that lapse by including Mason's letter.
See also: Letter from Representative Burdick to Marion Clausen Regarding Land Patents, July 25, 1952
Letter from William Pincus to Representative Burdick Regarding Land Patents, August 21, 1952
Date of Work
land patents, Richland County, land patent 1133570, land patent 1133027, US Bureau of Land Management
Organizations Referenced
US Bureau of Land Management
People Referenced
Nelson Mason, Usher Burdick, Marion Clausen
Recommended Citation
Burdick, Usher L., "Letter from Representative Burdick to Marion Clausen Regarding Land Patents, August 4, 1952" (1952). Usher Burdick Papers. 446.