"Letter from Representative Burdick to Harry Polk and Eugene Burdick Re" by Usher L. Burdick



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This letter, dated January 10, 1949, from United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick to Harry Polk and Eugene Burdick concerns the pool level of Garrison Dam.

Usher Burdick writes that he has read Polk and Eugene Burdick's proposed amendment to US Public Law 78-534, also known as US Public Law 534, 78th Congress, and feels that the amendment covers the immediate situation in Williston and appropriately stresses the 17 million acre-foot reservoir.

However, he writes, the amendment does not take care of owners of land below the 17 million acre-foot line, whom he does not want to be disturbed "until, say, 6 months prior" to flooding. Usher Burdick writes that they should be left alone and not charged rent on their own land, and that Eugene Burdick and Polk should try to incorporate this concern into their amendment.

Date of Work



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, flooding, flood protections, land acquisition, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level, US Public Law 534-78th Congress, Public Law 78-534, Public Law 534, inundate, inundation, flooding

Organizations Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish

People Referenced

Eugene Burdick, Usher Burdick, Harry Polk

Letter from Representative Burdick to Harry Polk and Eugene Burdick Regarding Garrison Dam Pool Level and Public Law 78-534, January 10, 1949
